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The use of land and design of the Australian urban environment.

Local Councils make most of the planning decisions that affect land use and development. For example, it decides whether to grant a planning permit for a new use or development, and what permit conditions are appropriate.

Planning Schemes and Environmental Plans set out policies and provisions for the use, development and protection of land within a municipality.

Each municipality has its own specific Planning Scheme or Environmental Plan.

Integration of open space into the urban landscape promotes residential amenity.

Zoning defines areas in which development and usage is encouraged, and where restrictions are needed upon certain types of use or development. It establishes whether a planning permit is required and if a use is prohibited in a certain area. Compatibility with strategic planning objectives is an essential.

The interface between residential and non-residential uses is particularly relevant to the creation of zones. Zoning must incorporate multiple land uses for the creation of sustainable communities.

Zoning provisions are crucial in determining the allowable range of land use and the form of development that may be achievable on any section of land.

Planning Schemes and Environmental Plans set out policies and provisions for the use, development and protection of land within a municipality.

Planning aims at achieving:

  • the fair, orderly, economic and sustainable use and development of land.
  • the protection of natural and man-made resources and the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity.
  • a pleasant, efficient and safe working, living and recreational environment for all Victorians and visitors to Victoria.
  • conservation and enhancement of buildings, areas or other places which are of scientific, aesthetic, architectural or historical interest, or otherwise of special cultural value.
  • protection of public utilities and other assets and to enable the orderly provision and coordination of public utilities and other facilities for the benefit of the community.
  • Definition of areas in which particular development and usage is to be encouraged
  • Compatibility of development with strategic planning objectives
  • Strengthening of neighbourhood character
  • Essential interface between residential and non-residential uses
  • Creation of sustainable communities
  • Provision for employment and, and commercial and retail facilities

Integration of well-designed apartment developments provides for housing diversity.

Planning zoning and links to detailed planning provisions affecting a site provide a key indicator of the scope for future development.

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